Google Workspaceのデータダウンロードおよび移行方法
Download/Migrate your data in Google Workspace
ーFor those who leave Chiba Universityー
Download/Migrate your data in Google Workspace
ーFor those who leave Chiba Universityー
●内部進学者・転部転科者は、内部進学・転部転科する前に使用していたGoogle Workspaceのアカウントを引き続き利用できます。
After 90 days have passed since you left your account, your account will be suspended, and you will not be able to sign in or use anything. Please back up your data and email within 90 days after leaving the organization.
● Internal students and transfer students from other institutions can continue to use the Google Workspace account that they had used before the advancement of internal school and the transfer. The local part of your email address (before @) will be rewritten by the university to your new student ID number at the beginning of the new academic year. The password will not change. The specific period of rewriting of the local part will be announced through the guidance of each faculty/graduate school.
● If you continue your enrollment and wish to use your account, a Google Workspace account with a new status will be distributed, so please use that.
●(教員向け)自身がオーナーになっている Google Classroom のクラスは、引き続き他のユーザーが利用できますが、オーナー権限を譲渡しない限り、機能が制限されます。
Please note the following as accounts will be deleted after a certain period of time after you leave.
● Folders and files you create and own on My Drive will be deleted when your account is deleted and will no longer be accessible to other users.
"Also, items created in 'Shared Items' shared with other users will be deleted when the account is deleted." (On My Drive, the document's creator is the owner.)
Please transfer ownership of necessary files to other users before leaving the university.
【Make someone else the owner of your file】
*My Drive allows for file sharing and collaboration, but there is a risk of losing access if the file owner leaves.
On the other hand, with Shared Drives, file ownership is not personal, so you can access the files even if the owner leaves the university.
Please manage your files appropriately, considering the differences in the above specifications.
Students are not authorized to create shared drives at Chiba University. If you need to create a drive, please ask a faculty or staff member to do so.
【What are shared drives?】
【What you can do with shared drives】
【How file access works in shared drives】
●(For faculty members) If you are the owner of a Google Classroom class, it can still be used by other users, but its features will be limited unless you transfer the ownership to another user.
If other faculty members wish to continue to use the class after you leave, please transfer ownership to another user before you leave.
【Transfer ownership of a class】
ここでは「Googleデータエクスポート」の方法およびG mail、Googleカレンダー、Googleドライブの「バックアップ・データ移行」を案内しています。
We will guide you through the "Google Takeout" and "backup data migration" of Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive.
Googleデータエクスポート Google Takeout
We will show you how to download your data of your Chiba University Gmail and Google Drive etc. with the "Google Takeout".

Google カレンダーのデータ移行 Google Calendar’s data migration
別のカレンダー アプリケーションや Google アカウントから Google カレンダーに予定を転送できます。
You can transfer appointments to Google Calendar from another calendar application or your Google account.
Google ドライブのデータ移行 Google Drive data migration
ダウンロード - パソコンにドライブ内のファイルをダウンロードして、そのファイルを新しい Google Workspace アカウントのドライブに移動できます。
共有 - 新しいアカウントのユーザーと個別にファイルを共有できます。
編集権限とコピー権限がある場合は、[共有アイテム] フォルダにあるドライブ ファイルをコピーして移行することができます。
Download-- You can download files in the drive to your computer and move them to the drive in your new Google Workspace account.
Sharing-- You can share files individually with users in your new account.
If you have edit and copy permissions, you can copy and migrate the drive files to the “Shared with me” folder.